“My Workout Daily Log” – Is a fitness app that suggests and tracks strength training and cardio workouts. This app was built with java using SQLite and is available on the Google Play Store. The IOS version was built with Swift using the Realm Database is currently under development. The purpose of this project was to develop a real world application that would solve a practical problem, and to learn and pratice IOS and Android mobile development.
My Workout Daily Log is now available on Google Play
and The Apple App Store
Please click on the Google Icon to be forward to the "My Workday Daily Log" page in the Google Play store to download this app
To download the IOS version, please use the App Store Icon on your Iphone
“www.LocalFunStuff.com” - This site indexes local attractions in Western PA using C#, My-SQL and ASP.Net for the backend. The front end was build using HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, JSon, CSS and Ajax. The purpose of this project was to learn and pratice of the above languages of framworks.
This project is still under development but it is live on the Web in a beta verson.